Is an emergency dentist near me open during lockdown?

Is an emergency dentist near me open during lockdown?
At present no. On 23rd of March when “lockdown” was announced, like many businesses, all dental practices in the country were forced to close.

This was of course for everybody’s safety and was for the greater good. The government attempted to flatten the curve in terms of patients being treated for Coronavirus.

However the knock on effect is that all of a sudden patients were left high and dry whether in the middle of a treatment course or if something unexpected happened.

What happens if I need to see an emergency dentist?
Give us a phone! 01475722341. Although we cannot make face to face appointments we are NHS key workers and so still available to help.

Is an emergency dentist near me open during lockdown? Actually the answer is yes! Just not in the traditional way.

What can a dentist do during a remote consultation?
Many of the calls we’ve handled so far are patients looking for advice where self help can be of use. Minor gum problems , tooth sensitivity and broken fillings are the most common. Often solved respectively by additional electric brushing and interdental brushing, desensitising toothpaste and self application of a temporary filling material.

If your problem is more serious a prescription may be required which we can send remotely to our local pharmacist or deliver to your door if more convenient. Otherwise we can refer you to the Greenock NHS “dental hub” where you can have a face to face appointment but this is only available for the most serious of emergencies.

When will my dentist reopen?
At present we don’t know when we will be able to make face to face appointments for routine dentistry. However we will strive to look after you the best we can during this period. We await guidance from the UK and Scottish government, NHS and the chief dental officer for Scotland.

Follow our Facebook and Instagram accounts for the latest details.

Will it be safe for me to attend the dentist when they reopen?
As we are used to dealing with and killing bacteria, viruses and other pathogens on a daily basis we are no stranger to clean and sterile procedures. However we do anticipate that we may temporarily need to wear more PPE (personal protective equipment) and limit the number of appointments we have per day.

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